Reduce the amount of paint you use. For example, instead of dropping yellow 8 times, drop it 4 times. Then, lightly drop another color. If you wish, you can drop yellow again.
If you have used too much paint or after several uses, the base water may no longer be able to hold the paint. This is normal. There must be space in the base water for the paints; otherwise, they will sink.
If there is still space, but the colors you just used sink, you can add a drop of liquid paint thinner to the colors. This will help the paints expand better and prevent sinking. In this case, the paint will spread more widely.
If the paint sinks to the bottom of the marbling water, it will not damage your artwork. Do not stir. Leave the paints at the bottom.
If necessary, you can add a little more water to the marbling water. This will allow the colors to spread more.
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