Great Masters of Ebru Art
Şebek Mehmet Efendi
Unfortunately, there are no detailed records about the oldest marbling artist, such as his birth date or identity. In the work "Tertib-i Risale-i Ebru," he is referred to as "rahimehumullah" (may God bless him), indicating that he passed away before the writing of this work (1608). In Fuzuli’s work "Hadikatü's-Sueda," there is a note in the colophon dating back to 1595 mentioning Şebek Mehmet Efendi as a marbling master. Based on these records, he must have passed away between 1595 and 1608.
Hatib Mehmet Efendi
Hatib Mehmet Efendi holds an essential place in Turkish traditional art history and is credited as the inventor of the "Hatib Marbling" technique. He was known by the title "Hatip" (preacher) because he was a religious orator at Hagia Sophia Mosque in Istanbul. His full name was Mehmed bin Ahmed. His birth date remains unknown, but he passed away in 1774 while trying to save his home from a fire. Since he never taught his unique marbling technique to anyone, the secrets of Hatib Marbling remained undiscovered for many years. In addition to being a marbling master, he was also a calligraphy artist, having learned the Sülüs and Nesih styles.
İbrahim Edhem Efendi
Born in 1829 in Üsküdar, Istanbul, İbrahim Edhem Efendi was the son of Sheikh İbrahim Sadık Efendi. He learned the art of Ebru from his father and contributed significantly to the prominence of the Uzbek Lodge as an important center for marbling. He studied Arabic and Persian and was awarded a certificate in the Ta’lik script by Çarşambalı Arif Bey. His marbled artworks were highly valued, and he spent the income from selling his works on supporting the lodge and its guests. Besides Ebru and calligraphy, he was skilled in carpentry, engraving, metalworking, and more, earning him the title "Hezarfen" (a person of a thousand skills). He participated in international exhibitions and received a medal in the 1867 Paris Exhibition. He passed away on January 8, 1904.
Mehmed Necmeddin Okyay
Born on January 28, 1883, in Üsküdar, Istanbul, Mehmed Necmeddin Okyay was an important figure in Ebru art. He introduced techniques such as "floral marbling" and "written marbling." In addition to Ebru, he was a master calligrapher, an ink-maker, and a bookbinder. His expertise earned him the nickname "Hezarfen." Necmeddin Okyay passed away on January 5, 1976, at the age of 93 and was buried in Karacaahmet Cemetery.
Mustafa Düzgünman
Born on February 9, 1920, in Üsküdar, Istanbul, Mustafa Düzgünman was one of the most significant marbling artists in history. He learned the art from his uncle, Necmeddin Okyay, and dedicated his life to preserving traditional Ebru techniques. He introduced innovations, including the realistic depiction of floral marbling. He firmly believed that Ebru should remain true to its traditional roots. He passed away on September 12, 1990, and was buried in Karacaahmet Cemetery.
Niyazi Sayın
Niyazi Sayın, born in 1927 in Üsküdar, Istanbul, is a renowned Turkish ney (reed flute) player, Ebru artist, and photographer. He is recognized as one of the greatest masters of Turkish music. He was deeply influenced by Mesut Cemil Bey and represented the Istanbul school of ney playing. Apart from music, he studied Ebru under Mustafa Düzgünman and exhibited his marbling works in several international exhibitions, including two in Seattle.
Alparslan Babaoğlu
Born in Ankara in 1957, Alparslan Babaoğlu studied electronic engineering in England before returning to Turkey. He started learning Ebru at the Topkapı Palace workshops and later studied under Mustafa Düzgünman, receiving certification to teach and practice marbling in 1989. He has held several solo exhibitions in Turkey and abroad and is known for his innovative use of crushed gold foil and miniature designs in marbling.
Fuat Başar
Born in Erzurum in 1953, Fuat Başar initially pursued medical studies but later dedicated himself to the art of Ebru. Inspired by the book "Ebru in Turkish Art" by Uğur Derman, he sought to learn the craft and trained under Mustafa Düzgünman. He received his marbling certification in 1989. With over 300 solo and group exhibitions worldwide, he has educated many students and continues to teach Ebru at Yıldız Technical University and the Süleymaniye Cultural Center.