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Alum Stone - 90g

Informations sur le produit "Alum Stone - 90g"

Alum Stone - 90g

Alaun is mainly used when you want to marble fabrics. It acts as an odor-inhibiting agent during the decomposition of butyric acid and sweat.

However, alum can also be used for marbling on paper. In this case, alum serves as an adhesive when you want to use the Ebru technique with different colors.

Marbling fabrics is a very pleasant and stylish activity. First, I would like to talk about the colors we will use. By using synthetic dyes for fabric marbling, we can achieve better results. There are several brands of these dyes available on the market.

For fabrics, I would recommend silk, synthetic silk, and satin.

Before you start marbling the fabric, you should soak it in a solution of alum and water to ensure the colors adhere to the fabric. To prepare the solution, dissolve 100 g of alum powder in 1 liter of hot water. Then, let the silk dry, and if desired, iron it. After marbling the silk, briefly rinse it in cold water and let it dry. Once dry, iron the fabric on the reverse side to fix the colors.

Afterwards, you can wash your fabrics as usual.